MAR 7 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 00:33hs.
Competition designed by the social sports betting app

Souza and Edmundo return to the field to compete in Wanna Cup

A selected group of users of the social sports betting app Wanna fulfills the great dream of being led by Brazilian football idols Souza and Edmundo in a competition. This is the Copa Wanna, the first betting dispute in the history of the Brazilian market, which is in its second edition. Beginning on April 21, it was created to unite the community formed by sports lovers, promoting a healthy dispute between different segments of the sector.

Souza and Edmundo lead a team of 8 competitors, formed by digital influencers, users of Wanna. The teams also count on professional bettors Fábio Bambi, known as Nettuno, and Danilo Martins as strategists. The competitors themselves decide the games of different sports and leagues on the day of the dispute, which follow the best of three format. The competitor with the most victories continues in the competition.

The result is a unique experience in a virtual environment, showing how it is possible to use sports betting as healthy entertainment. “A competition like this is only possible within Wanna. We are the only platform on the market capable of connecting people face to face to interact, compete, and create customized bets. We are the social network in the world of sports betting,” says Nicole Brandão, Head of Marketing at Wanna.

The first clash was between digital influencers Nafê Alves and Bii Goes, who competed in the results of matches in the Libertadores and Copa Sudamerica. “I breathe football 24 hours a day and the Wanna Cup translates all the feelings of this beloved sport, like competition, joy and fun. This competition is very exciting,” says Nafê, winner of the first match of the 2nd edition of the Copa Wanna.

Nafê is one of six women who participate in the Wanna Cup, showing that sport and competition are independent of gender. “I am part of a predominantly male space, which is sport. Seeing Wanna making room for women is something that means a lot to me. We are here to prove that we also understand the subject and show our caliber in this space,” she adds.

Away from the fields, Souza and Edmundo celebrate the opportunity to face each other in a new competition. “I left my retirement to become a coach in this incredible dispute. Wanna came to revolutionize sports betting in Brazil, and I am very happy to be part of this movement. I created a great team of gamblers and I'm here to win,” says Edmundo.

Souza is not intimidated and is ready for the dispute. “I have already participated in other Wanna initiatives, such as Live Solidária. It's amazing to see how the app strives to unite the community around the passion for the sport. And it is with this same passion that I will lead my team to victory.”

Source: GMB