SÁB 27 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 07:43hs.
In Sao Paulo’s metropolitan region

Jundiaí councilor proposes creation of municipal lottery to help Health

Use the resources earmarked for lottery bets and even the prizes that are not withdrawn by the winners to help fund health actions in the city, such as exams, consultations, more doctors and investments in Hospital Sao Vicente de Paulo. Thus councilor Cícero Camargo da Silva, defends the bill that creates the municipal lottery in Jundiaí. His initiative is at the City Council, but it already has an unconstitutionality opinion.

According to Cícero, the idea is for people who like to bet to do this in order to also collaborate with the city. “It's a way we found to be able to help, allocating these resources to health promotion, to São Vicente, HU, to hire more doctors, exams and consultations. The federal government already has the lottery and other forms, but the municipality has few resources sent to pay for health. Jundiaí ends up having to pay for almost everything,” he stated.

The congressman cited initiatives carried out in other municipalities to justify the project. “Barretos, for example, has some games to encourage the hospital there. Our idea is that with the collection (from bets), a percentage of this resource is destined to actions for the benefit of the population of Jundia, such as in health, for example.”

In the bill, Cícero claimed that the STF (Supreme Federal Court) recently ruled that the Federal Government does not have exclusivity in the exploitation of lotteries, “having unanimously extended this competence to states and municipalities.” The responsibility for managing the lottery, according to him, would fall to the City Hall.

For the councilor, the moment is opportune since the pandemic directly affected the municipal budget. “The creation of the Jundiaí Municipal Lottery aims to raise funds that will be allocated to the health area, in addition to specific programs aimed at social well-being, having a direct impact on the life of the citizen of Jundiaí,” he added.


According to the City Council's Legal Attorney, the bill is unconstitutional. The prerogative to create such an initiative, according to the opinion, is exclusive to the Executive power. “… when the Legislative Power of the Municipality enacts a law establishing attributions to the Executive, it invades, unduly, the sphere that belongs to the activity of the Public Administrator,” clarified the text signed by the legal attorney Fábio Nadal Pedro.

The project is now going to be considered by the permanent committees on Justice and Writing, Finance and Budget and on Health, Social Welfare and Welfare of the Chamber. Only then will it be able to be discussed in plenary.

Source: GMB