DOM 19 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 23:24hs.
The sum is greater than that of last 6 years

Unredeemed lottery prizes in Brazil totaled US$ 87m in 2021

It may be hard to believe, but there are people who win the lottery and don't claim the prize. In 2021, between January and September, more than R$ 491 million (US$ 87m) were not cashed by the winners, according to data provided by Caixa Econômica Federal. The forgotten amount is greater than the R$ 370 million (US$ 65.4m) paid in last year's Mega da Virada, considered the largest amount in history ever drawn by the contest. In April alone, R$ 272.6 million (US$ 48.2m) were not claimed by the winners.

The sum of money forgotten in the ten months of 2021 is already greater than that of the last 6 years — without considering inflation. In 2020, R$ 312 million (US$ 55.15m) in prizes were not withdrawn.

Amount not withdrawn in each month of 2021:

-January: R$ 27,742,000 (US$ 4,905,646m)

-February: R$ 23,290,000 (US$ 4,118,394m)

-March: R$ 29,817,000 (US$ 5,272,570m)

-April: R$ 272,631,000 (US$ 48,209,612m)

-May: R$ 23,824,000 (US$ 4,212,822m)

-June: R$ 21,554,000 (US$ 3,811,415m)

-July: R$ 26,702,000 (US$ 4,721,741m)

-August: R$ 32,029,000 (US$ 5,663,720m)

-September: R$ 33,417,000 (US$ 5,909,162m)

Where does unredeemed money go?

The value of the Mega-Sena, Lotofácil, Quina, Lotomania, Timemania, Dupla Sena, Loteca and Lotogol prizes not withdrawn within 90 days is fully transferred to the Student Financing Fund (FIES). The federal funding program allows students to attend higher education in private institutions.

In 2020, the General Balance of the Union recorded a loss adjustment to R$ 27.9 billion (US$ 4.95m) in the fund. At the end of last year, the government published a Provisional Measure (MP) allowing the renegotiation of the initiative's debts, offering the possibility of forgiveness of up to 92%.

What is done with lottery proceeds?

Caixa Econômica Federal is also responsible for transferring the proceeds generated by betting on lotteries, in addition to managing the fate of forgotten prizes.

According to the financial institution, the amounts are redistributed for investment in the country in areas such as health, education, security, sports, among others.

Source: Diário do Nordeste