VIE 17 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 06:31hs.

Bolsonaro: "Brazil is not mature to debate the legalization of gambling"

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), candidate for re-election, said that Brazil is 'not mature' to debate the legalization of gambling and casinos. He stated that the issue causes 'problem' and stressed that he will veto it if the National Congress approves a bill that allows gambling houses to operate. The proposal has been under consideration since 1991, but never received consensus to move forward.

"The slot machines, in my opinion, cannot [be released]. The guy goes to the bakery to buy bread and comes back empty-handed because he played the slot machine. I believe that Brazil is not mature enough to discuss this matter," he said.

"Congress is already discussing this. What did I say? The way it is being treated, I veto it. By vetoing, the ball goes back to Parliament. If Parliament overrides the veto, it's law. So Parliament already knows about my position, that I will veto this proposal that is being processed there," he added.

The statement was given in an interview with a podcast hosted by sports channels Paparazzo RubroNegro, InstaVerde and Futbolaço last Friday (14) morning.

The bill that legalizes gambling, including casinos, bingos, jogo do bicho and sports betting, was approved by the Chamber of Deputies in February this year, after 31 years of processing.

The approved text grants permanent or temporary licenses to explore the activity and allows each state to have one casino, with the exception of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, which may have two, and São Paulo, three.

There is still a need for analysis by the Federal Senate before the agenda goes to presidential sanction, a possibility in which there may be a veto.

In Bolsonaro's view, sports betting is a separate case within the regulation of gambling.

Source: GMB