VIE 17 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 06:10hs.
GMB in Las Vegas

Eduardo Alvarez: “AGS is ready, prepared and very excited to enter Brazil”

AGS participated in style at G2E, releasing a number of big news like low and high denomination games, premium games and a new cabinet. In an exclusive conversation GMB, Eduardo Alvarez, sales director for LatAm, assured that the company “has the best show in history” and revealed that they are already working on developing suitable products for Brazil. “We only wait for the flag to start operating,” said Alvarez.

AGS, one of the leading companies in the American slots market, attended the Global Gaming Expo to launch three new business divisions, focused on machines, tabletop and interactive products. With a full booth throughout the event, Eduardo Alvarez, the company's LatAm sales director, gave an exclusive interview to GMB about the company's current situation.

GMB – What are AGS news at Las Vegas fair?
Eduardo Alvarez
– We have the best show in our history. We are featuring low and high denomination games, premium games and with the launch of a new cabinet. This is the most anticipated show by the company, as we have the largest number of products available. Our booth was full throughout the fair and everyone is excited about us. We are building our history in Latin America.

You already have a strong presence in the United States...
Yes, we are one of the TOP performers in the US, not only with low and high denomination slots, but also our tables. They are very successful products. The same occurs in Mexico, where we have practically a 10% share among all products installed. They have excellent performance and great acceptance. Our customers are very satisfied with our products and want even more.

And the company is also in other markets such as Argentina!
In Argentina we have a great partnership with our friends at Permaquin, who know the local market and this has allowed us to grow in the country. We are building the AGS name in Argentina, which is opening up other markets in the Southern Cone.

And were the new products well received during the show?
Very well received. We are a relatively new company in the market, but people are very accepting of our products. Most importantly, in addition to the beauty and luminosity of the cabinet and with flashy games, the product is working very well. In Argentina, for example, products installed about two years ago are in operation without any problems.

How do you see the future of the Brazilian market for AGS?
We are very excited, as it is a large and historic market, which attracts the attention of all players. Especially speaking of AGS, we have been working in recent years on product development. We are not idly by, but looking for adequate and correct development for Brazil. We just wait for the flag to start operating. It's not why, but when. We are completely ready, prepared and very excited to enter Brazil.

Source: Exclusive GMB