VIE 17 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 07:57hs.
Project by deputy Alana Passos

Rio de Janeiro Legislative Assembly can vote to create Health and Tourism state lotteries

State deputy Alana Passos (PTB-RJ) filed a bill at the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Alerj) that authorizes the Executive Branch to create the lottery products ‘Loteria da Saúde’ and ‘Loteria do Turismo’. The proposal provides that 5% of the collection be allocated to the State Health Fund, in the case of the Health Lottery, and to the State Tourism Fund (Fundetur), in the case of the Tourism Lottery.

“The idea is to bring to the state level the purpose of the federal law already sanctioned by President Bolsonaro, which is to guarantee more resources for Health and Tourism, two sectors that directly impact the economy and social well-being of the population of Rio de Janeiro,” stressed the deputy.

According to Bill 6400/2022, both in the Health Lottery and in the Tourism Lottery, it will be possible to create games in the lottery modality of numerical predictions, in which bettors try to hit the numbers, as in the modalities of sports predictions, in which the punters try to hit the outcome of sporting events, and fixed-odds bets.

Following the example of Federal Law 14,455, enacted by President Jair Bolsonaro in September of this year in which part of the profit collected from the lotteries will be allocated to the National Health Fund and to Embratur, at the state level, the deputy's proposal provides that 5 % of the collection is destined to the State Health Fund, in the case of the Health Lottery, and to the State Tourism Fund (Fundetur), in the case of the Tourism Lottery.

Bets can be made by physical or virtual means and the values of the prizes not claimed by the players within the stipulated period will also be reverted to the State Health and Tourism Funds (Fundetur), considering the financial and budgetary programming of the state Executive Branch.

Source: TV Prefeito