VIE 17 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 03:50hs.
Brand action

Betcris takes Fortaleza fans to its box stadium for club's 104th anniversary

Fortaleza Esporte Clube is turning 104 years and, to celebrate its anniversary, its official sponsor Betcris will take five fans to its box stadium to watch the game Fortaleza x Coritiba, next October 27th. The lucky winners of the draw will have the right to take three more companions.

Fortaleza Esporte Clube is celebrating its 104th anniversary with a series of activities that started on Monday (10) thisweek and lasts until the end of the month. And to brighten up the party, Betcris, the club's official sponsor, has just created a brand action that will take 15 people to the box stadium of the fastest growing sports betting house in all of Latin America.

To participate in the draw of five tickets to watch the game on Betcris’ box, with the right to three companions, users simply have to follow the profile of the club's fans (Leoninas Fec) and Betcris Brasil on Facebook, give like to the promotion post and comment on which was the most unforgettable game of Fortaleza they have watched in the reason.

The five Lucky winners will be announced on October 25th, and each of them will be entitled to take three guests to the game between Fortaleza and Coritiba.

The matck takes place on October 27th, for the 34th round of the Brazilian Championship, and the fans will live a special experience at Betcris’ box in Arena Castelão.

Source: GMB