JUE 16 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 23:51hs.
Under opposition protest

Chamber approves project that creates municipal lottery in Cuiabá state

The City Council of the Brazilian state of Cuiabá approved this Thursday (20) Bill 8364/2021, authored by the City Hall, which creates the public lottery service in the municipality. There were 16 votes in favor and five against. According to the project, the proposal aims to raise funds for the areas of Health, Social Assistance, Sports and Culture.

The bill has been in the Chamber since December last year, was put to a vote twice and withdrawn after a request for views from councilors Diego Guimarães (Republicans) and Marcrean Santos (PP), respectively.

Posted on Thursday's (20) agenda, the project was criticized by the opposition.

Councilors Edna Sampaio (PT) and Maysa Leão (Republicans), who voted against the proposal, pointed to the project's alleged unconstitutionality. According to them, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) does not authorize the operation of lotteries by the Municipalities.

Councilman Demilson Nogueira (PP) stated that the proposal will serve private interests. “At no time has the Executive said that it will exploit the lottery. In other words, the idea of outsourcing comes from the plan. The Union lottery is operated by the Union. And here, what this House wants to do, is give a gift to someone out there to get rich,” he said.

The project

In the text, the Prefecture justifies that the STF, in 2020, extended the exploitation of lotteries to the municipalities.

Also according to the justification, the proposal foresees that part of the lottery revenue is for the cost of its operation, thus not having an increase in expenses without the proper financial backing.

“Therefore, although it is difficult, a priori, to establish the scope and make accurate estimates of the revenue that may result from this modality, given that this initiative is a pioneer in the Municipality, it is expected that the municipal lottery will pay itself and still be able to finance social, sports and cultural programs aimed at the population of Cuiabá,” says part of the project.

Source: GMB