DOM 19 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 02:05hs.
Expressão Nacional show

TV Câmara debates on gaming legalization in Brazil this Monday

The debate “Gaming and betting: legalize or not?” takes place this Monday (14), at 11 am on the Expressão Nacional show, on TV Câmara, the Brazilian open television channel that broadcasts the debates of the Chamber of Deputies. It wll be broadcast live on YouTube and social media, bringing supporters and opponents to the regulation of gaming in Brazil face to face. Federal Deputy Bacelar (Pode-BA) will lead the arguments in favor of the sector, while evangelical deputy Sóstenes Cavalcante (DEM-RJ) will lead the opposing faction.

The proposal that creates the Gaming and Betting System, based on Bill 442/91, which had the review reported by Federal Deputy Felipe Carreras (PSB-PE) within the scope of the Working Group created by the President of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP -AL), is ready to enter the Plenary agenda. The project had the urgency regime approved at the end of last year and is scheduled to go to the vote immediately.

In the Chamber of Deputies’ own call for the show, the House highlights that “Whoever is in favor, says that the legalization of gaming will generate jobs and boost tourism”, while “Whoever is against it, argues that it is an open door to money laundering." The clarity of the question leaves no doubt as to the consistency of the arguments in favor, as it is quite clear that the sector will really generate jobs and boost tourism. On the other hand, the contrary argument stating that the activity will open the door to money laundering is not supported, due to all the controls that were provided for in the text reported by Felipe Carreras.

Everything will be clear in the debate, scheduled for this Monday (14), live at 11 am, on Youtube and social networks. And it will be availble at 22 pm on TV Camera.

The protagonists invited to discuss the topic are:

  • Deputy Bacelar (Pode-BA)
  • Deputy Sóstenes Cavalcante (DEM-RJ)
  • Magno de Sousa, President of Legal Gaming Institute (IJL)
  • Ricardo Gazel, economist and representative of the ‘Brazil without Gaming’ movement

The show will be presented by Aline Machado and directed by Chiaro Trindade.

Source: GMB