SÁB 18 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 07:09hs.
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Senate approves project that allocates lottery resources to Brazil’s tourism sector

Brazil’s Senate approved this Tuesday (31) Bill 2.380/2021 that updates the General Tourism Fund (Fungetur). The purpose of the proposal, which returns to the analysis of Deputies Chamber, is to facilitate the access of entrepreneurs in the tourism sector to the Fund's resources. The bill establishes the creation of an additional and permanent source through the transfer of 3.48% of the collection with the Federal Lottery and 2.97% of the collection with numerical prediction lotteries (Mega-Sena, Quina and others).

In a symbolic vote, the Senate Plenary approved this Tuesday (31) Bill 2.380/2021 that updates the General Tourism Fund (Fungetur). The purpose of the proposal, which returns to the analysis of the Chamber of Deputies, is to facilitate the access of entrepreneurs in the tourism sector to the Fund's resources, removing barriers to borrowing from financial institutions.

Fungetur is defined as a mixed fund for financing and granting guarantees for business projects in the tourism production chain, tourism promotion actions and the acquisition of equipment and instruments to improve the sector's professional activities.

The bill establishes the creation of an additional and permanent source of funds for Fungetur through the transfer corresponding to 3.48% of the collection with the Federal Lottery and 2.97% of the collection with numerical forecast lotteries (Mega- Sena, Quina and others).

The rapporteur of the project in the Senate, Carlos Portinho (PL-RJ), ratified the arguments presented in the Chamber's Tourism Committee on the difficulty faced by those interested in the Fungetur credit lines when submitted to the risk analysis of the authorized banks. Thus, according to the project, Fungetur will work to share the credit risk of borrowers of the lines of financing, seeking to make operations more attractive to financial institutions, consequently increasing the supply of available resources.

Source: Senate Agency