SÁB 18 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 06:31hs.
Deputies return to the topic today (15)

Health and Tourism Lotteries: Caixa can be left out and would add sports betting

The proposal of the rapporteur, deputy Giovani Cherini (PL-RS), recommended the full approval of the senators' text, which removes from Caixa Econômica Federal the attribution of exploiting lotteries. His colleague Celso Sabino (União-PA) recommended an amendment to allow the expansion of the lottery for sports betting. The proposal should return to the agenda at the plenary session this Wednesday (15).

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), withdrew the bill on the creation of Health and Tourism lotteries (Bill 1561/20) so that the parties can reach an agreement on the text. The proposal should return to the agenda at the plenary session this Wednesday (15).

Shortly before, the Plenary had rejected a PT request asking for the withdrawal of the agenda. A Senate substitute for the project was under analysis, authored by deputies Captain Wagner (União-CE) and Guilherme Mussi (PP-SP).

The proposal's rapporteur, deputy Giovani Cherini (PL-RS), recommended the full approval of the senators' text, which withdraws from Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) the attribution of exploring lotteries and sets a quota of 95% for the private operator agent of what is left after the payment of the installment to Social Security, for the prizes and for the income tax levied on the prize.

Deputy Celso Sabino (União-PA) presented the opinion of Giovani Cherini in plenary. He only recommended a wording amendment to allow the lottery to be expanded to sports predictions and fixed-odds betting. The original text approved by the Chamber only authorized numerical lotteries.

Celso Sabino countered criticism from opposition deputies because of changes in the portion destined for the lottery's costs and maintenance. "Despite having changed the destination of the collection product, the substitute does not affect the financial adequacy," Sabino argued.

Deputy Lídice da Mata (PSB-BA) considers that the percentage to be granted to lottery operators is high. "The Senate amendments remove the merit of the project, since 95% of the collection will be for the private operator, with funding and maintenance. Only 5% will go to the objectives thought by the author of the project," she criticized.

Caixa Econômica Federal

Deputy Erika Kokay (PT-DF) also questioned the withdrawal of Caixa Econômica Federal as operator of the Health and Tourism lotteries. "Caixa has expertise in lotteries and is one of the companies that are most able to develop lotteries. It is present in every corner of the country. Nobody has a service network like Caixa," she defended.

Deputy Tiago Mitraud (Novo-MG) supported the changes in the Senate. "If Caixa is so good at operating lotteries, let it compete with other operators. Whoever is better wins the competition. We cannot deprive the competition," he argued.

Deputy Daniel Almeida (PCdoB-BA) accused the proposal of weakening a public company. "They want privatization, with attempts to weaken Caixa Econômica. They don't want the lottery to reinforce public policies," he said.

Source: News Chamber Agency