SÁB 18 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 14:29hs.
Content, podcast and more

KlashX reinforce its presence in Brazil supporting amateurs eSports tournaments

After closing the partnership with Brasil League in April, KlashX expand its presence supporting Ultimate Challenge Wagers Championship, a weekly Call of Duty amateur’s tournament and it also launches KlashX Cup, a CoD Warzone tournament with a prize pool of R$ 10K with face-to-face finals at Campus Party Goiânia, on June 18.

KlashX is the only platform that consistently provides bets for large local eSports championships, such as LBFF (Liga Brasileira de Free Fire), KOEL, Ultimate Challenge Wagers and Wild Tour Brasil. KlashX team also focuses on the production of content focused on the eSport games and they launched in March its proprietary podcast KlashX Zone. The podcast presenters are Sandro Bonecão, the voice BGS (Brasil Game Show), and the youtuber Maki. Together, they add up to more than 2 million followers on Instagram, Tik Tok and YouTube platforms.

Rapid payment technology such as Pix has been a game changer for online providers during the pandemic and our new generation of gamers are always ahead of the curve so we need to work hard to stay and play with them,” says Shai Slagter, Founder of KlashX.



The team also recognised that KlashX could be the best product in the world but if people can’t find out about it, and join and play quickly, then it won’t make an impact which is why the Brazilian Touch is important.

We understand Brazilian culture, digital media and the human touch, which makes our brand accessible, fun and engaging for our users. Our partnership with Brasil League is important to us as they provide opportunities for both male and female eAthlete’s, honouring our values of inclusion,” stated Fernanda Magalhães, Marketing Director.

Our goal is simple. To use the power of games to unite and inspire people from different walks of life. We take our social responsibility seriously and ensure that we act responsibility and with care, to all our customers,” Magalhães concluded.

More information at https://gaming.klashx.com/about-klashx.

Source: GMB