LUN 20 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 01:27hs.
André Vinícius de A. Alves, commercial director at Control+F5

Sports marketing and betting: working with fan passion

Affiliates, micro influencers, advertising in stadiums, great players as ambassadors and sponsorships of football teams are some of the ways to work with sports betting marketing. With countless strategies that can be adopted, André Vinícius de A. Alves, commercial director at Control+F5, comments, in an opinion article for GMB, that the love of sport combined with creativity is what makes the difference.

Sports marketing is an already established activity. Sponsorships, licensing, events, naming rights, in short, a series of activities move the sports environment and brands, generating benefits for both.

More recently, our sports betting and gaming industry has also become very exposed where, in the past, sports marketing, in the more traditional understanding, reigned supreme.

Betting came into play in stadiums, sponsorships, advertising, in short, everywhere where there was only space for big brands before. With this movement, we could observe the most varied reactions.

At first, there was a certain rejection, as if talking about betting, for example, on open TV, was something inferior. However, it was a matter of time (very short time, by the way) for us to see important personalities like Neymar, Galvão Bueno, and others, associating their images of credibility with betting companies.

We can say that now, sports betting companies are also in the game of sports marketing.

The marketing of betting companies is comprehensive and democratic

A very interesting aspect is that for the marketing of sports betting houses, the most diverse types of actions can be synonymous with successful strategies.

Affiliates, micro influencers, stadium advertising, big players as brand ambassadors, football team sponsorships. Finally, there is a way to work the marketing of sports betting in the most diverse ways.

And the best: there are strategies available for all types of pockets. Each company in the sector can invest what fits in its budget and obtain very interesting returns.

Our work tool is the love of sport

This is one of the main reasons that sports betting marketing is such a fascinating area to work in.

We want to attract an audience that already has the sport at heart. Cheering is already part of the Brazilian. Combining this with entertainment, showing how fun betting can be, is a very interesting path to take.

However, it is worth mentioning: interesting does not mean easy.

On the contrary: the betting industry is developing at astronomical speed in Brazil. We live in a scenario where new players appear all the time.

So, the question that surrounds the minds of both betting operators and marketing professionals is: Will there be room for everyone in the Brazilian market in the long term? What will make the difference in a few years, which will determine the growth of some companies, to the detriment of the demise of others?

Without creativity, there is no metric that survives

For sure, the marketing strategies adopted will be of fundamental importance in this process. However, it will be essential that new ideas are put into practice.

The sponsorship of national football teams by bookmakers, for example, is already a, let's say, “saturated” market. Most clubs already have support in this model and there are not infinite teams to invest.

The solution to this? We have to put creativity in marketing into practice. In an era dominated by digital marketing, where the value of metrics is very relevant, creativity cannot be put on the back burner. Never.

Working on marketing betting operators will require you to be more and more creative. There are infinite possibilities not yet explored. It's a new, bubbling market that will certainly bring many paths to all of us.

The union and partnerships certainly bring gains for all companies operating in the betting market. So, if you would like to talk more about this and other topics, please contact me. See you next time!

André Vinícius de A. Alves
Commercial Director at Control+F5