MAR 21 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 02:03hs.
Éder Schaphauser Ziomek, founding partner

“ awaits betting regulation to have a formalization of our companies in Brazil” has only been on the market for a year, but it has shown a lot of determination to break through the world of sports betting, until then unknown to the company's founder, Éder Schaphauser Ziomek, who worked in the poker segment. Talking with GMB, he said he strongly believes in the regulation of the sector and that actions developed by Upsports are putting the brand at the forefront. recently arrived in the sports betting market with a great marketing move by associating the brand with former coach Joel Santana, the company's ambassador, and started to increase the number of customers with the action.

In addition, has been dedicated to offering numerous promotions to expand the range of customers and has been successful in this endeavor, as comented firm’s Founding Partner Éder Schaphauser Ziomek to GMB.

GMB – You've only been on the market for a year, but you bring a whole world of poker experience to sports betting. I would like you to talk about this new professional moment and the launch of
Éder Schaphauser Ziomek
– The poker niche is much more segmented, as it is important to gain new customers that know the market and the game. It is more difficult to create a new player as he has to learn the sport. In sports betting, it is easier, as everyone has a team, so we do actions for customers to get to know the platform. We give a R$5 bonus for new customers to enter and get to know the platform. It is an action that works very well and we managed to bring in customers. Another thing we've been doing is sponsoring various football teams. The work is done directly with the fans of these teams.

And campaigns to promote Upsports, as with Joel Santana, a charismatic figure in Brazil...
Yes. We got it right and a lot because of Joel Santana's charisma. When we started to research who would be the face of the company and to do the marketing, we thought of him, because wherever he goes, everyone leaves laughing. He brings joy.

And did it work as expected?
Sure. It did very well. And now we are bringing an innovation. It will be a bet on bodybuilding with three big names in the category, Renato Cariani, Felipe Franco and Júlio Balestrin. They will compete with each other and we will place bets on that competition. We hire a team that does all the analysis to determine the best odds, along with a person who knows how to evaluate bodybuilding. We are very confident that it will bring a lot of results for the platform and for the brand.

With one year in operation, how do you see the issue of betting regulation and what are your expectations in relation to this?
Today there are many uncertainties as to when this will happen. But we are confident and it is very important for the sports betting scenario to formalize our companies at the national level.

Are you working with that in mind and considering regulation as a fait accompli?
Yes. We believe this will happen for sure.

Source: Exclusive GMB