SÁB 27 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 08:21hs.
Millionaire offer of new sponsor

Gremio can close with a bookmaker biggest sponsorship in its history thanks to Luis Suárez

Gremio's management has two sponsorship proposals in hand and may abandon Banrisul. In one of them, the ‘Tricolor Gaúcho’ received a proposal from a bookmaker worth R$ 30 million (US$ 5.9m). The bid amount is 500% higher than Mrjack.bet sponsorship. The presence of the Uruguayan Luis Suárez in the team opens the possibility for the club to generate millions.

The proposal, from another bookmaker, is four times larger than the current partner disburses to print the shoulder blade of the team’s jersey, a space located above the logo of the sporting goods supplier, Umbro.

At first, the new sponsor showed interest in positioning its brand more centrally on the shirt, between the Gremio shield and the supplier's logo, instead of on the shoulder blade.

The offer would be R$ 20 million (US$ 5.9m) in a contract valid for three seasons, that is, approximately R$ 6.5 million (US$ 1.27m) per year. However, exclusivity would be required. In this case, Gremio would have to terminate with Mrjack.bet to start the contract with the other bookmaker, whose name was not revealed.

Gremio may replace Banrisul

Gremio’s management has received inquiries from another bookmaker, but this one for the noblest region of the jersey, where Banrisul is located.

There is still no official proposal, but rather a sign of interest. The amounts would be much higher than what the state bank disburses annually to the club.

With the arrival of Luis Suárez, the ‘Tricolor’ continues to gain new partners in recent days. However, to reach the milestone of 100,000 members, the club’s leadership launched the campaign “Gremio invites you. You accept!”.

The call-up movement started a few days ago and caused curiosity among the fans. According to information from Portal ge, if the club reaches the expected mark, the monthly collection will be approximately R$2 million (US$ 390,000).

Source: GMB