MAR 18 DE FEBRERO DE 2025 - 18:27hs.
In Deputies Chamber’s Sports Committee

Fantasy Sports takes center stage at 1st Legislative Sports Forum

Consolidated data from the last twelve months indicate that the gaming market generated US$2.4 billion in Brazil. This led the president of the Brazilian Association of Fantasy Sports (ABFS), Rafael Marcondes, to emphasize during the 1st Legislative Sports Forum in the Chamber of Deputies that the country is the largest market in Latin America. In the fantasy games sector, the figures reached US$12 million.

The forum is a pioneering initiative aimed at bringing together various segments related to the sports world to discuss relevant legislative topics and proposals for the sector. The event was attended by the Minister of Sports, André Fufuca, and federal deputies Luiz Lima (PL-RJ), Coronel Chrisostomo (PL-RO), Ícaro de Valmir (PL-SE), Prof. Paulo Fernando (Republican-DF), and Roberto Monteiro (PL-RJ), as well as athletes, coaches, sports managers, academics, entrepreneurs, and representatives of civil society.

"How to associate eSports and physical activity?" was the theme of the panel in which the president of the Association was invited to participate at the Forum. Marcondes brought data to the event regarding the relationship between eSports and physical activity.

"What do we seek with sports? It's about inclusion, and there's no reason to leave eSports aside. Sports are a broad proposal in the context of the ecosystem, and eSports are a natural evolution of sports and society," he pointed out.

Research, both national and international, has proven that the performance of the best virtual coaches in Fantasy Sports depends on skill, strategy, study, and knowledge. Among other factors, this preparation for participating in the competition is what brings the modality closer to eSports.

The Sports Committee of the Chamber of Deputies held the debate on Thursday (30), delving into the possibilities of associating eSports with physical activity in a positive and integrated manner.

Source: GMB