DOM 5 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 06:00hs.
58% of voters are in favor

G1 publishes survey among federal deputies on regulation of gambling in Brazil

An exclusive survey of 332 federal deputies points out that 58% are in favor of regulating the gambling sector in Brazil. Globo's news portal G1 sent questions on 18 topics relevant to public opinion to all 513 parliamentarians in the Chamber, and two thirds of them responded to the study.

G1 sought out the 513 elected federal deputies to find out their opinion on 18 topics that could be on the agenda for debates in the Legislative and that are of public relevance.

The survey was carried out between December 1st and March 24th and involved 30 journalists in applying the questionnaire. All deputies were consulted, and 332 responded to the study, which represents 65% of parliamentarians.

The survey found greater resistance among deputies from parties further to the right of the political spectrum, with a lower response rate. In G1's assessment, the data may indicate a more progressive Chamber than reality.

Among the topics researched, there were questions ranging from taxes, income tax exemption lag, refugees, purchase and carrying of weapons and regulation of gambling.

In this regard, the study showed support from federal deputies regarding the activity. In total, 38% of parliamentarians said they were in favor of the regulation, while 24% were against it.

As the answer was not mandatory, 3% of the deputies did not answer the question, while 35% of them did not answer the complete questionnaire.

In numbers, 194 deputies said they were in favor of legalizing gambling in Brazil, against 122 who did not approve, and 16 who did not answer the question.

Source: G1