SÁB 27 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 06:48hs.
4 years of life

Betsul's ‘Jogo do Bem’ project surpasses the mark of US$ 200k donated to social causes

Created in 2019, the ‘Jogo do Bem’ initiative was a pioneer in connecting the world of betting through operators who, on a voluntary basis, could share part of the profits with charitable institutions, giving a direct return to Brazilian society. Led by Betsul, the action has already reached more than R$ 1 million (US$ 200,000) in donations to social causes.

After an avalanche of negative media, player-buying scandals and match-fixing, the activity that should serve as an example to promote the sport and serve as a basis for doing good in the social sphere, suffers from a lack of awareness.

During these more than 3 years, betting operators have multiplied like never before in the Brazilian market, and exponentially ended up taking over the great media that today is seen through the main internet portals, TV channels, billboards and many others communication vehicles.

Could it be that the recent past of the activity in Brazil has nothing to teach this new betting market? Maybe just remember what happened to bingos, less than two decades ago, when they helped many social entities and numerous sports projects even of little relevance in the media, but lacking in resources.

Beneficial entities and less valued sports continue to lack resources to finance their existences and some sports betting houses, such as Betsul, have helped where they can, but it would be very important for them to embrace noble causes to value their brands even more and gain greater sympathy of society.


Perhaps a deeper reflection and analysis of the mission and purpose of this sector is in order. And society, how is it? Since 2018 there has been no effective social contribution to the Brazilian population.

Such bets in 2018 were classified in Brazil as ‘Lottery’, specifically as Quota-Fixa Sports Betting. In addition, the Federal Constitution of Brazil clearly defined that revenues from lotteries must be reverted to the social. So, how long will the Brazilian population be without this support?

These are some of the questions that hang in the air and that led Betsul to support ‘Jogo do Bem’. The vision of the program is quite simple. In addition to all the best practices, the idea has always been that the more people or social causes that are served, the more betting advocates there will be in the market.

Some non-profit institutions participating in the initiative have already been able to receive these donations and apply the resources to the causes that each one of them has as their purpose of existence.

But ‘Jogo do Bem’ knows that it is just the beginning. There is a lot of opportunity, potential for growth in donations and maturation of the entire sector so that this great chance for social transformation is not wasted. To find out about some of the institutions supported by Betsul's ‘Jogo do Bem’, just click here.

Source: GMB