MAR 14 DE ENERO DE 2025 - 03:48hs.
Focus on Ordinance 1231, which deals with the theme

SPA names Daniele Correia Cardoso general coordinator of responsible gaming monitoring

The Secretariat of Prizes and Betting (SPA) of the Ministry of Finance, Regis Dudena, appointed lawyer Daniele Correia Cardoso as general coordinator of monitoring of the responsible gaming. The nomination was published in the Federal Official Gazette of this Monday (4). She will lead the area to address one of the most sensitive topics involving the regulation of iGaming in Brazil.

Graduated in Law from the State University of Feira de Santana-BA, Daniele Correia Cardoso is a postgraduate, with specialization in State Law from the Institute of Legal Education and Public Competitions Juspodivm.

Currently she had been performing the role of General Coordinator of People Management of the Brazilian Institute of Environment (Ibama). Earlier, she worked in the National Consumer Protection Information System (Senacon).

Now at the head of the general game monitoring coordination, Daniele will implement and follow in practice the rules and guidelines established by the Ministry of Finance's SPA for responsible game and communication, advertising and marketing actions of the iGaming sector.

She will have the responsibility of supervising the fulfillment of everything that refers to responsible gaming and that is contained in Ordinance SPA/MF 1231, which deals with the theme.

Source: GMB