MAR 14 DE ENERO DE 2025 - 02:30hs.
November 11th and 12th

STF releases list of speakers for public hearing on the impacts of online gambling in Brazil

Minister Luiz Fux, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), released the schedule and the final list of speakers who will participate in the public hearing next week (11th and 12th) to discuss the impacts of online gambling in Brazil. The hearing was called within the scope of Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (ADI) 7721, in which the National Confederation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC) requests that Law 14.790 be declared unconstitutional.

According to the CNC, the law has boosted and popularized online gambling, leading families, especially low-income ones, to go into debt. The entity also argues that gambling addiction is compromising family budgets and, consequently, the trade and consumption of goods and services.

Minister Luiz Fux explained that the objective of the event is not to gather interpretations or legal theses, but to clarify issues associated with mental health and the neurological impacts of gambling on human behavior.

The hearing will discuss the economic effects of the practice on trade and its effects on the domestic economy, the social consequences of this new regulatory framework, taxation and extra-taxation in the sector, the transparency of betting platforms and the property rights of bettors.

The hearing will be held on Monday (11) and Tuesday (12), starting at 10 am, in the session room of the First Chamber of the STF. On the first day, the presentations will take place in the morning and afternoon shifts. On Tuesday, the demonstrations will be presented from 10 am to noon.

The event will be broadcast live on TV Justiça, Rádio Justiça and on the STF channel on YouTube.
The agenda was defined as follows:

Date: 11/11

10 am-10:20 am: Opening Session

10:20 am–12 pm: Block I

1. National Confederation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC): Dr. Felipe De Sá Tavares and Dr. Fábio Gomes Morand Bentes;

2. Solidarity: President Paulo Pereira da Silva;

3. Federal Court of Auditors: President Bruno Dantas;

4. Attorney General's Office: Dr. Luiz Augusto Santos Lima, Dr. Cecilia Vieira de Melo Sá Leitão and Dr. Nathália Geraldo de Santi;

5. Ministry of Human Rights: Minister Macaé Evaristo;

6. Ministry of Finance: Dr. Regis Anderson Dudena;

7. Ministry of Racial Equality: Dr. Ana Míria dos Santos Carvalho;

8. Ministry of Health: Dr. Gabriella de Andrade Boska;

9. Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger: Dr. André Quintão Silva, Dr. Clara Carolina de Sá, Dr. Maria Helena Gabarra Osório and Dr. Eliane Aquino Custodio;

10. Brazilian Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters (ABERT): Dr. Gustavo Binenbojm.

2:00 p.m.– 6:00 p.m.: Block II

1. Central Bank of Brazil: Dr. Rogério Antônio Lucca;

2. National Secretary of Sports Betting and Economic Development of the Ministry of Sports: Dr. Giovanni Rocco Neto

3. Department of Asset Recovery and International Legal Cooperation of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (DRCI): Dr. Bernardo Antônio Machado Mota;

4. Secretary of Digital Law of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security: Dr. Lílian Manoela Monteiro Cintra de Melo;

5. Financial Activities Control Council (Coaf): Dr. Rafael Bezerra Ximenes de Vasconcelos;

6. Public Defender's Office of the Union (DPU): Dr. Leonardo Cardoso de Magalhães;

7. Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association (CFOAB): Dr. Daniel Corrêa Homem de Carvalho;

8. Rio de Janeiro State Lottery (Loterj): Dr. Hazenclever Lopes Cançado;

9. Paraná State Lottery (Lottopar): Dr. Rafael Halila Neves and Dr. Pablo Augusto Wosniacki;

10. National Advertising Self-Regulation Council (Conar): Dr. Juliana Nakata Albuquerque;

11. Brazilian Institute of Legal Gambling (IJL): Magno José Santos de Sousa;

12. National Association of Games and Lotteries (ANJL): Dr. Pietro Cardia Lorenzoni and Plínio Augusto Lemos Jorge;

13. Women of Brazil Group: Dr. Andreia Schroder;

14. Educafro: Frei David Santos;

15. Brazilian Institute of Responsible Gambling (IBJR): Dr. Celso Cintra Mori;

16. Brazilian Psychiatric Association (ABP) and Brazilian Association for the Study of Alcohol and Other Drugs (ABEAD): Dr. Hermano Tavares, for both, and Dr. Antônio Geraldo da Silva, for ABP;

17. International Gaming Association (aigaming): Dr. Márcio Borges Malta;

18. Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban): Dr. Luís Vicente Magni De Chiara;

19. Foreign expert: Dr. Brigitte Sand;

20. Foreign expert: Dr. Carlos Hernández Rivera;

21. Alana Institute: Dr. João Francisco de Aguiar Coelho;

22. Economic Regulation Laboratory of the Law School of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ Reg): Dr. Andrea Magalhães, Dr. André Ribeiro Tosta, Dr. Carina de Castro Quirino, Dr. José Vicente Santos de Mendonça and Dr. Rodrigo Grieco Penna;

23. Rectory of the Zumbi dos Palmares University: Rector Dr. José Vicente;

24. Laboratory of Law of New Technologies and Disruptive Business Models of USP (NPD TechLab): Dr. Isadora Valadares Assunção and Dr. Pedro Henrique Figueiredo.

Date: 11/12

10 am - 12 pm: Single Block

1. National Academy of Sports Law (ANDD): Dr. Terence Zveiter and Dr. Paulo Sergio Feuz;

2. Professor of the PPGD of the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR): Dr. Eduardo Rocha Dias;

3. Brazilian Institute of Business and Tax Law Studies (IBEDET): Dr. Leonardo Ribeiro Pessoa;

4. Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection (IDEC): Dr. Ione Amorim;

5. Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (Dieese): Dr. Adriana Márcia Marcolino;

6. Institute for Retail Development (IDV): Dr. Fabíola Xavier;

7. National Association of Retirees, Persons with Disabilities, the Elderly, Pensioners and Social Security Insured Persons (ANADIPS): Dr. Maria Luiza F. de Almeida Neri;

8. Brazilian Association of Criminal Lawyers (Abracrim): Dr. Maíra Fernandes;

9. Public Defender's Office of Rio de Janeiro: Dr. Thiago Henrique Cunha Basílio and Dr. Rodrigo Azambuja Martins;

10. Fluminense Football Club: Dr. Mattheus Montenegro;

11. Botafogo Football Club: Dr. Jonas Decorte Marmello, Dr. Raphael Lessa da Silva e Sá and Dr. Andressa Guerra Fellipe dos Santos;

12. Cruzeiro Sports Club: Dr. Antônio Carlos de Almeida Castro.


Source: GMB