SÁB 15 DE JUNIO DE 2024 - 18:07hs.
Social commitment of the gaming platform

Brazino777 helps the most needy communities in Santo André at Easter

In the spirit of solidarity and social commitment, Brazino777, a renowned online entertainment platform, prepared a surprise for the population of Santo André (São Paulo) at Easter. In the third edition of ‘Brazino Solidário’, the company extended a helping hand to bring joy to families who face difficulties every day in meeting their basic needs.

That Brazino is already recognized for its electrifying games is a known fact. However, it is also part of its social commitment to care for the most vulnerable people.

Brazino solidarity carried out another charitable action in Santo André, São Paulo, and more than 1500 people were assisted. The project has had a great impact on the life of the community, when 500 basic food baskets were distributed.


Furthermore, as it was Easter Eve, the children were given 500 chocolate eggs and 100 footballs. To make the day even more special, there was a hairdressing salon and a trampoline to provide fun for the children.

Brazino777 strives to ensure that its business growth is accompanied by contributions to social projects.


It is believed that philanthropy helps to strengthen ties with the local community and contribute positively to its development. And don't forget: in April, we will have the fourth edition, which promises to be even more exciting.

Amid the challenges faced by society, Brazino777 recognizes the importance of extending a helping hand to families who struggle daily to meet their basic needs. With the intention of positively impacting these communities, the brand is committed to making a difference in people's lives.


The event was more than a simple distribution of food baskets. Brazino777 is working hard to provide a unique experience, full of solidarity, empathy and hope. The initiative goes beyond material assistance, also seeking to strengthen community ties and encourage active participation in building a more promising future.

This action highlights the importance of promoting social well-being. Brazino777 highlights corporate and social responsibility, understanding that a company's success is intrinsically linked to its ability to positively impact society.


Brazino777 has a great difference, as it has been fighting for the regularization of entertainment platforms in Brazil, and investing in new names of micro influencers and supporting social projects within communities.

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Source: GMB

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