DOM 16 DE JUNIO DE 2024 - 15:47hs.
Definitely and unanimously

São Paulo’s municipality of Campinas approve creation of its own lottery

The councilors of Campinas, a city in the northwest of São Paulo, approved this Monday (20), definitively and unanimously, the creation of the Loteria Municipal de Campinas (Locamp). The proposal now goes to mayor Dário Saadi for approval, in order to become law, and it will be up to the Finance Secretariat to lead the process - directly or indirectly (through concession, permission or authorization).

Complementary Bill No. 1/24, authored by the Municipal Mayor, with amendments, was approved in a second discussion and vote on Monday (20) night, which “provides for the creation of the public lottery service in the municipality of Campinas , called Loteria de Campinas - Locamp.

Opinions from the Constitution and Legality, Public Administration, Urban Policy, Economy and Consumer Rights Defense and Finance and Budget committees were favorable to the project and amendments.

It will be up to the Finance Secretariat to establish how Locamp will be operated, whether directly or through concession, permission or authorization. The proceeds, minus the prizes, will be donated to the Development and Social Assistance departments; Sports and Leisure; and Culture and Tourism.

Locamp operators will define the bet values, numbered tickets, scratch-off cards and other lottery products that will be explored, as well as the prizes.

Municipal lotteries were made possible by federal law and are an important source of resources for cities. It is worth remembering that the amounts collected from lottery sales - minus the prizes - will be donated to the municipal departments of Development and Social Assistance; Sports and Leisure; and Culture and Tourism”, points out councilor Fernando Mendes, deputy leader of government in the Chamber.

The Bill prepared by the City of Campinas was inspired by a proposal previously presented by councilor Jair da Farmácia, who withdrew his own proposal to make way for that of the City Council.

Due to the type of project, it had to come from the Executive, but the original idea was preserved. People will be able to place bets on the city's lottery options and will most likely have a better chance of winning, because there are fewer people playing than in a megasena, for example. And, at the same time, the amounts collected are helping the population of Campinas”, highlights Jair da Farmácia.

Source: GMB