JUE 6 DE FEBRERO DE 2025 - 12:53hs.
Maia Yoshiyasu Advogados acted in the action

Justice authorizes Blaze's website and social networks to operate in Brazil

The 13th Chamber of Criminal Law of the Court of Justice of São Paulo (TJ-SP), in a decision reported by judge Marcelo Gordo, released the website and social networks of Blaze, an iGaming company that offers entertainment through games, casino and online sports betting. The operator was represented by the law firms Maia Yoshiyasu and Avelar.

After investigation, the TJ-SP found that the company operates within the law and that there is no evidence of any irregularities, authorizing the unblocking of the domain www.blaze.com and the company's official profiles on social networks.

The websites had been blocked in Brazil in September last year, in a decision by the 2nd Court of Tax Crimes, Criminal Organization and Money Laundering of São Paulo.

The judge also highlighted that the investigation only attests to the practice of “gambling on electronic sites” by the company – an activity that is in the process of being regulated in Brazil.

“What was expressed initially was not confirmed in subsequent investigations, making the precautionary measures unreasonable,” he explained.

The trial also had the participation of judges Moreira da Silva, Marcelo Semer and Xisto Albarelli Rangel Neto. Blaze was represented by Avelar Advogados and Maia Yoshiyasu Advogados, and the release was made by unanimous vote.

Created in 2019, Blaze is an iGaming company that offers entertainment through games, casino and online sports betting to players around the world. With a catalog of more than 2,000 games, Blaze's mission is to develop innovative products, offering a unique experience for the user in an environment with maximum security, reliability and transparency.

Source: GMB