SÁB 20 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 05:26hs.
Carlos Cardama

The Church, The Globe and Legalized Gambling in Brazil: The time of change is now

Having an article in a newspaper the size of O Globo, in which a Monsignor defends a position clearly favorable to the legalization of the game in Brazil, was something improbable years ago. Believe it or not, today it happened. The turn around time has come hard and with the new Government the time has come to take this issue forward, without excuses and in favor of ending the illegality to help generate important resources for the country.

The Church, The Globe and Legalized Gambling in Brazil: The time of change is now

Having an article in a newspaper the size of O Globo, in which a Monsignor defends a position clearly favorable to the legalization of the game in Brazil, was something improbable years ago. Believe it or not, today it happened. The turn around time has come hard and with the new Government the time has come to take this issue forward, without excuses and in favor of ending the illegality to help generate important resources for the country.

I value the courage of Monsignor Catelan Ferreira very much. His thought, so carefully written in the article published this morning in conjunction with Professor Pedro Trengrouse, establishes a starting point to make clear once and for all that doctrine and play are not contradictory and irreconcilable. On the contrary, they are complementary aspects to others that are part of society.

It is not of little importance that this opinion appears in the newspaper O Globo. The country's most read, whether in its online or printed version, has historically had a stance against the game, with constant attacks and ideas that have gained such strength as to hold advanced political initiatives capable of legalizing the activity of the game. This radial change of posture, from a year to today, was celebrated by all the pro-gaming activists and is now confirmed by the publication of that article.

The author of the article, favorable to the legalization of the game, is an authority in the church. It is worth noting that in 2014, Pope Francisco himself appointed Catelan Ferreira to join the International Theological Commission for five years and he is the only Monsignor Barasileiro who is part of this select group. In the link it is possible to access the official page of the Vatican, where the 30 members that compose the commission are listed. (Note to kyra...read this paragraph again because I wasn’t exactly sure what you were trying to say, but I edited it in a way that I thought sounded right)

The Commission is composed of theologians from various schools and nations, eminent for scientific excellence and fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church. The members, no more than thirty in number, are appointed by the Holy Father "ad quinquennium", based on the proposal of the cardinal prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and after consulting the Episcopal Conferences.

We can not consider this just any Friday. The published article is not just another article. Last December Brazil implemented the legalization of sports betting in the country. The new government needs more resources to come out of the economic crisis and help those who have less. His (note to kyra...his? Whose? Maybe write his last name or name) stance is to listen to those who are most educated about this market, which obviously are the ones that act on it. Casinos seem to be the next step and this topic has been openly discussed, the Rio de Janeiro authorities being just one example.

In Brazil there is already talk and public discussion every day about the legalization of the game. Those who are good do not need to hide. The turnaround time has come and we hope this time nothing will stop the advance.